10 Key Trends and Statistics for Church Donations

10 Key Trends and Statistics for Church Donations

Curious about who gives and why? We think you'll be surprised at what the numbers say about who gives at your church.

Tithely media icon
Modern Church leader
Publish date
October 12, 2024

Church giving is an essential source of funding for churches. It allows them to carry out their mission and serve their communities. It enables them to better serve the existing members of the churches. And it gives them the ability to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus.

In this article, we'll explore some key trends and church giving statistics. By understanding these figures, churches can better adapt to the needs of their congregations and continue to thrive.

How To Use These Church Giving Statistics

Before we look at specific church giving statistics, let's talk about how you might practically use these numbers in your church. After all, numbers in a vacuum don't mean much. These statistics should, at least in some ways, impact how you do ministry. They reflect how people think about tithing and what giving behaviors they engage in.

First, you can use these statistics to inform your yearly and monthly church budgeting. As you'll see, there are statistics about how much churchgoers are giving every year, as well as how often they give. These numbers can give you a general idea of the financial health of your church, and help you make decisions about how to allocate funds. 

Second, these stats can also provide insight into the attitudes and behaviors of your congregation. If you see that younger generations are giving less than older ones, it may prompt you to explore why and potentially adapt your approach to appeal to younger donors. Or if you notice a trend of increasing online donations, it may be worth investing in digital giving platforms for your church.

These statistics can also serve as a benchmark for comparison with other churches. You can use them to gauge how giving in your church compares to general giving trends across the board. If you notice any trends, good or bad, you can engage with your church appropriately.

For example, if you notice that a low percentage of your regular members tithe every month, you may want to encourage them in various ways to be generous.

Finally, church giving statistics can be a powerful tool for encouraging and educating your congregation. You may want to share some of these numbers with your church and then talk to them about the impact of their donations to the church. You can also use these stats as a reminder to your church that giving is essential for the life of the church.

10 Church Giving Statistics You Need To Know

Now let's look at some concrete numbers about church giving. These numbers should give you a sense of the giving landscape and how your church compares to others.

1. Only 5% of Churchgoers Tithe

Incredibly, only around 5% of all churchgoers regularly tithe to their local churches. Did you catch that? Only 5% of churchgoers give! That's an incredibly low number and represents an enormous opportunity for your church.

Even if 10% of your attendees (double the average) tithe regularly, 90% of your congregation is still not giving. 90% of your attendees are missing out on the blessing of giving to the church. As a church leader, you have the opportunity to encourage and exhort your members to give generously. Not only does this result in your members being blessed by God, it also helps your church financially.

So don't hesitate to ask your congregation to regularly give. There's a good chance that most of them are not. 

2. The Average Churchgoer Gives Less Than 3% of Their Income

Another incredible statistic is that the average church attendee gives less than 3% of their income to the church. That means if someone makes $50,000 a year, they are only giving around $1,500 to their church annually.

Again, this represents a large opportunity for churches. You can encourage your congregation to give generously, knowing that most attendees are giving a very small portion of their income. Even if people don't give 10% of their income, there still is a lot of room for increasing the amount they give.

3. The Average Gift Is $157

When a person does give to the church, the average donation is approximately $205 dollars. No this isn't a huge amount. But it is about right given the various incomes within the church body. Some will be able to give significantly more, while some will not be able to even give $205.

This church giving stat should remind us that it's better to give something rather than not give at all. We see this principle in scripture when Jesus commends the poor widow who gave only two small coins, saying she had given more than all those who had given out of their abundance.

So encourage your members to give whatever they can. God sees and honors their heart of generosity. Every gift, no matter how small, makes a difference in the kingdom of God.

4. Many Prefer Online Giving

Some quick stats about online giving to show you just how effective it can be.

  • 30% of churchgoers aged 35-54 would rather use a mobile giving app to give to their local church
  • Giving church members the option of online giving can increase donations by 32%.
  • 30% of churchgoers 45-54 years of age say they prefer making donations with their credit or debit cards
  • The average online donation volume is up 23% since 2019
  • 60% of churchgoers are willing to give digitally to their churches

The point of these stats is to highlight the growing trend of online giving within the church community.

An increasing number of people are embracing financial technology, including making donations to their local church. Providing multiple options for giving, such as online giving, can make it easier for members to give regularly and on a consistent basis.

5. Only 18% of Givers Donate Monthly

Recurring donations are a huge benefit to churches. They provide a steady stream of income that can help with budget planning and allow churches to better support their missions and programs.

Unfortunately, only 18% of givers donate on a monthly basis. This means there's a huge opportunity for churches to increase their donations by encouraging members to give regularly through recurring donations.

One way to do this is by promoting online giving options, which often have the option for recurring donations. By making it easy for members to set up automatic monthly donations, you can encourage a consistent flow of income for your church's mission and ministries.

6. Frequent Attenders Give More

It’s not surprising that individuals who regularly attend religious services contribute, on average, $1,737 more to their churches each year compared to those who attend less than once a month. In other words, there's a direct connection between how often a person attends a church and how much they give to that church.

The reality is that those who attend the church on a consistent basis are almost always more committed to the mission of the church. This, in turn, leads them to give generously to the church on a regular basis.

This should be a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage their members to attend consistently. Not primarily because they will give more, but because their faith will be strengthened and they'll be more integrated into the church family. 

7. December Is The Highest Giving Month

Between January and November, giving amounts are relatively stable in churches, with each month contributing around 7.5% to the total income for the year. But in December, giving almost doubles. That month typically accounts for almost 14.5% of all giving during the church calendar year.

There are probably several reasons for the spike in giving. December is often when people are feeling more generous, particularly because of the holiday season. It's also a time for reflection and gratitude which may prompt individuals to give extra to the church.

Additionally, with the end of the year approaching some individuals may want to give a final gift, both as a blessing to the church and a benefit to their taxes.

This trend shows that churches should always be prepared for an increase in giving during the holiday season. Whether it's through special fundraising campaigns or online donation options, churches can tap into this generosity boost and use it to fuel their mission and ministries.

8. More Than 60% of Giving Occurs Outside Of Sunday

Only 38.74% of all giving to churches takes place on Sundays. This means that surprisingly, more than 60% of all giving happens on Monday - Saturday.

This is a significant giving statistic for churches to take note of, as it highlights the importance of providing convenient giving options for members throughout the week.

With busy schedules and online giving becoming increasingly popular, it's essential for churches to offer multiple ways for individuals to give. This could include options such as recurring automatic donations, text-to-give services, or even kiosks at church events.

By expanding giving opportunities beyond just Sunday offerings, churches can increase overall giving and make it easier for their members to support the church financially.

9. In Person Attendees Give More Than Online Attendees

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of churches offering an online option has skyrocketed. You might think that online attendees give as much as in-person attendees, but you would be wrong.

Regular in-person attendees give an average $2,479 per year, while primarily online attendees only give an average of $1,053 per year.

This could be due to the lack of personal connection and engagement with the church community that online attendees experience. It highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and relationship-building among online members to encourage higher levels of giving.

It's also a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage people to attend in-person whenever possible. Virtual church can be wonderful for those who can't physically attend. But there simply is no replacing the power of attending church in-person.

So while providing online options for giving is important, it's also crucial to prioritize and encourage in-person attendance for stronger relationships and higher levels of giving.

10. Only 37.66% Of Church Attendees Engage In Recurring Giving

We touched on this before but it's worth highlighting again. In most churches, only a small percentage of the church gives on a recurring basis, whether that's weekly, monthly, etc.

This, in spite of the fact that recurring giving is ideal for churches. It allows them to financially plan more effectively and have a consistent stream of income throughout the year.

Making recurring giving an easy and accessible option for congregants is crucial. Utilizing online giving platforms or setting up automatic bank transfers are just some ways to make it easier for people to give regularly.

By promoting and prioritizing recurring giving, churches can experience greater financial stability and better meet their goals for ministry growth and impact.

Final Thoughts

Giving plays a crucial role in sustaining and growing ministry efforts. Without regular, consistent giving, churches simply can't survive, let alone thrive. It's essential for leaders to have a sense of giving trends, both within their local churches and across the board.

By understanding the current church giving statistics, leaders can make informed decisions to improve their strategies and approaches.

Ultimately, it's about creating opportunities for people to give joyfully and sacrificially as an act of worship towards God. Let's continue to emphasize the importance of giving in our churches, both through teaching and action. As we do so, we can see our ministries grow and impact more lives for Christ. 


Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Church giving is an essential source of funding for churches. It allows them to carry out their mission and serve their communities. It enables them to better serve the existing members of the churches. And it gives them the ability to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus.

In this article, we'll explore some key trends and church giving statistics. By understanding these figures, churches can better adapt to the needs of their congregations and continue to thrive.

How To Use These Church Giving Statistics

Before we look at specific church giving statistics, let's talk about how you might practically use these numbers in your church. After all, numbers in a vacuum don't mean much. These statistics should, at least in some ways, impact how you do ministry. They reflect how people think about tithing and what giving behaviors they engage in.

First, you can use these statistics to inform your yearly and monthly church budgeting. As you'll see, there are statistics about how much churchgoers are giving every year, as well as how often they give. These numbers can give you a general idea of the financial health of your church, and help you make decisions about how to allocate funds. 

Second, these stats can also provide insight into the attitudes and behaviors of your congregation. If you see that younger generations are giving less than older ones, it may prompt you to explore why and potentially adapt your approach to appeal to younger donors. Or if you notice a trend of increasing online donations, it may be worth investing in digital giving platforms for your church.

These statistics can also serve as a benchmark for comparison with other churches. You can use them to gauge how giving in your church compares to general giving trends across the board. If you notice any trends, good or bad, you can engage with your church appropriately.

For example, if you notice that a low percentage of your regular members tithe every month, you may want to encourage them in various ways to be generous.

Finally, church giving statistics can be a powerful tool for encouraging and educating your congregation. You may want to share some of these numbers with your church and then talk to them about the impact of their donations to the church. You can also use these stats as a reminder to your church that giving is essential for the life of the church.

10 Church Giving Statistics You Need To Know

Now let's look at some concrete numbers about church giving. These numbers should give you a sense of the giving landscape and how your church compares to others.

1. Only 5% of Churchgoers Tithe

Incredibly, only around 5% of all churchgoers regularly tithe to their local churches. Did you catch that? Only 5% of churchgoers give! That's an incredibly low number and represents an enormous opportunity for your church.

Even if 10% of your attendees (double the average) tithe regularly, 90% of your congregation is still not giving. 90% of your attendees are missing out on the blessing of giving to the church. As a church leader, you have the opportunity to encourage and exhort your members to give generously. Not only does this result in your members being blessed by God, it also helps your church financially.

So don't hesitate to ask your congregation to regularly give. There's a good chance that most of them are not. 

2. The Average Churchgoer Gives Less Than 3% of Their Income

Another incredible statistic is that the average church attendee gives less than 3% of their income to the church. That means if someone makes $50,000 a year, they are only giving around $1,500 to their church annually.

Again, this represents a large opportunity for churches. You can encourage your congregation to give generously, knowing that most attendees are giving a very small portion of their income. Even if people don't give 10% of their income, there still is a lot of room for increasing the amount they give.

3. The Average Gift Is $157

When a person does give to the church, the average donation is approximately $205 dollars. No this isn't a huge amount. But it is about right given the various incomes within the church body. Some will be able to give significantly more, while some will not be able to even give $205.

This church giving stat should remind us that it's better to give something rather than not give at all. We see this principle in scripture when Jesus commends the poor widow who gave only two small coins, saying she had given more than all those who had given out of their abundance.

So encourage your members to give whatever they can. God sees and honors their heart of generosity. Every gift, no matter how small, makes a difference in the kingdom of God.

4. Many Prefer Online Giving

Some quick stats about online giving to show you just how effective it can be.

  • 30% of churchgoers aged 35-54 would rather use a mobile giving app to give to their local church
  • Giving church members the option of online giving can increase donations by 32%.
  • 30% of churchgoers 45-54 years of age say they prefer making donations with their credit or debit cards
  • The average online donation volume is up 23% since 2019
  • 60% of churchgoers are willing to give digitally to their churches

The point of these stats is to highlight the growing trend of online giving within the church community.

An increasing number of people are embracing financial technology, including making donations to their local church. Providing multiple options for giving, such as online giving, can make it easier for members to give regularly and on a consistent basis.

5. Only 18% of Givers Donate Monthly

Recurring donations are a huge benefit to churches. They provide a steady stream of income that can help with budget planning and allow churches to better support their missions and programs.

Unfortunately, only 18% of givers donate on a monthly basis. This means there's a huge opportunity for churches to increase their donations by encouraging members to give regularly through recurring donations.

One way to do this is by promoting online giving options, which often have the option for recurring donations. By making it easy for members to set up automatic monthly donations, you can encourage a consistent flow of income for your church's mission and ministries.

6. Frequent Attenders Give More

It’s not surprising that individuals who regularly attend religious services contribute, on average, $1,737 more to their churches each year compared to those who attend less than once a month. In other words, there's a direct connection between how often a person attends a church and how much they give to that church.

The reality is that those who attend the church on a consistent basis are almost always more committed to the mission of the church. This, in turn, leads them to give generously to the church on a regular basis.

This should be a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage their members to attend consistently. Not primarily because they will give more, but because their faith will be strengthened and they'll be more integrated into the church family. 

7. December Is The Highest Giving Month

Between January and November, giving amounts are relatively stable in churches, with each month contributing around 7.5% to the total income for the year. But in December, giving almost doubles. That month typically accounts for almost 14.5% of all giving during the church calendar year.

There are probably several reasons for the spike in giving. December is often when people are feeling more generous, particularly because of the holiday season. It's also a time for reflection and gratitude which may prompt individuals to give extra to the church.

Additionally, with the end of the year approaching some individuals may want to give a final gift, both as a blessing to the church and a benefit to their taxes.

This trend shows that churches should always be prepared for an increase in giving during the holiday season. Whether it's through special fundraising campaigns or online donation options, churches can tap into this generosity boost and use it to fuel their mission and ministries.

8. More Than 60% of Giving Occurs Outside Of Sunday

Only 38.74% of all giving to churches takes place on Sundays. This means that surprisingly, more than 60% of all giving happens on Monday - Saturday.

This is a significant giving statistic for churches to take note of, as it highlights the importance of providing convenient giving options for members throughout the week.

With busy schedules and online giving becoming increasingly popular, it's essential for churches to offer multiple ways for individuals to give. This could include options such as recurring automatic donations, text-to-give services, or even kiosks at church events.

By expanding giving opportunities beyond just Sunday offerings, churches can increase overall giving and make it easier for their members to support the church financially.

9. In Person Attendees Give More Than Online Attendees

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of churches offering an online option has skyrocketed. You might think that online attendees give as much as in-person attendees, but you would be wrong.

Regular in-person attendees give an average $2,479 per year, while primarily online attendees only give an average of $1,053 per year.

This could be due to the lack of personal connection and engagement with the church community that online attendees experience. It highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and relationship-building among online members to encourage higher levels of giving.

It's also a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage people to attend in-person whenever possible. Virtual church can be wonderful for those who can't physically attend. But there simply is no replacing the power of attending church in-person.

So while providing online options for giving is important, it's also crucial to prioritize and encourage in-person attendance for stronger relationships and higher levels of giving.

10. Only 37.66% Of Church Attendees Engage In Recurring Giving

We touched on this before but it's worth highlighting again. In most churches, only a small percentage of the church gives on a recurring basis, whether that's weekly, monthly, etc.

This, in spite of the fact that recurring giving is ideal for churches. It allows them to financially plan more effectively and have a consistent stream of income throughout the year.

Making recurring giving an easy and accessible option for congregants is crucial. Utilizing online giving platforms or setting up automatic bank transfers are just some ways to make it easier for people to give regularly.

By promoting and prioritizing recurring giving, churches can experience greater financial stability and better meet their goals for ministry growth and impact.

Final Thoughts

Giving plays a crucial role in sustaining and growing ministry efforts. Without regular, consistent giving, churches simply can't survive, let alone thrive. It's essential for leaders to have a sense of giving trends, both within their local churches and across the board.

By understanding the current church giving statistics, leaders can make informed decisions to improve their strategies and approaches.

Ultimately, it's about creating opportunities for people to give joyfully and sacrificially as an act of worship towards God. Let's continue to emphasize the importance of giving in our churches, both through teaching and action. As we do so, we can see our ministries grow and impact more lives for Christ. 

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Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Church giving is an essential source of funding for churches. It allows them to carry out their mission and serve their communities. It enables them to better serve the existing members of the churches. And it gives them the ability to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus.

In this article, we'll explore some key trends and church giving statistics. By understanding these figures, churches can better adapt to the needs of their congregations and continue to thrive.

How To Use These Church Giving Statistics

Before we look at specific church giving statistics, let's talk about how you might practically use these numbers in your church. After all, numbers in a vacuum don't mean much. These statistics should, at least in some ways, impact how you do ministry. They reflect how people think about tithing and what giving behaviors they engage in.

First, you can use these statistics to inform your yearly and monthly church budgeting. As you'll see, there are statistics about how much churchgoers are giving every year, as well as how often they give. These numbers can give you a general idea of the financial health of your church, and help you make decisions about how to allocate funds. 

Second, these stats can also provide insight into the attitudes and behaviors of your congregation. If you see that younger generations are giving less than older ones, it may prompt you to explore why and potentially adapt your approach to appeal to younger donors. Or if you notice a trend of increasing online donations, it may be worth investing in digital giving platforms for your church.

These statistics can also serve as a benchmark for comparison with other churches. You can use them to gauge how giving in your church compares to general giving trends across the board. If you notice any trends, good or bad, you can engage with your church appropriately.

For example, if you notice that a low percentage of your regular members tithe every month, you may want to encourage them in various ways to be generous.

Finally, church giving statistics can be a powerful tool for encouraging and educating your congregation. You may want to share some of these numbers with your church and then talk to them about the impact of their donations to the church. You can also use these stats as a reminder to your church that giving is essential for the life of the church.

10 Church Giving Statistics You Need To Know

Now let's look at some concrete numbers about church giving. These numbers should give you a sense of the giving landscape and how your church compares to others.

1. Only 5% of Churchgoers Tithe

Incredibly, only around 5% of all churchgoers regularly tithe to their local churches. Did you catch that? Only 5% of churchgoers give! That's an incredibly low number and represents an enormous opportunity for your church.

Even if 10% of your attendees (double the average) tithe regularly, 90% of your congregation is still not giving. 90% of your attendees are missing out on the blessing of giving to the church. As a church leader, you have the opportunity to encourage and exhort your members to give generously. Not only does this result in your members being blessed by God, it also helps your church financially.

So don't hesitate to ask your congregation to regularly give. There's a good chance that most of them are not. 

2. The Average Churchgoer Gives Less Than 3% of Their Income

Another incredible statistic is that the average church attendee gives less than 3% of their income to the church. That means if someone makes $50,000 a year, they are only giving around $1,500 to their church annually.

Again, this represents a large opportunity for churches. You can encourage your congregation to give generously, knowing that most attendees are giving a very small portion of their income. Even if people don't give 10% of their income, there still is a lot of room for increasing the amount they give.

3. The Average Gift Is $157

When a person does give to the church, the average donation is approximately $205 dollars. No this isn't a huge amount. But it is about right given the various incomes within the church body. Some will be able to give significantly more, while some will not be able to even give $205.

This church giving stat should remind us that it's better to give something rather than not give at all. We see this principle in scripture when Jesus commends the poor widow who gave only two small coins, saying she had given more than all those who had given out of their abundance.

So encourage your members to give whatever they can. God sees and honors their heart of generosity. Every gift, no matter how small, makes a difference in the kingdom of God.

4. Many Prefer Online Giving

Some quick stats about online giving to show you just how effective it can be.

  • 30% of churchgoers aged 35-54 would rather use a mobile giving app to give to their local church
  • Giving church members the option of online giving can increase donations by 32%.
  • 30% of churchgoers 45-54 years of age say they prefer making donations with their credit or debit cards
  • The average online donation volume is up 23% since 2019
  • 60% of churchgoers are willing to give digitally to their churches

The point of these stats is to highlight the growing trend of online giving within the church community.

An increasing number of people are embracing financial technology, including making donations to their local church. Providing multiple options for giving, such as online giving, can make it easier for members to give regularly and on a consistent basis.

5. Only 18% of Givers Donate Monthly

Recurring donations are a huge benefit to churches. They provide a steady stream of income that can help with budget planning and allow churches to better support their missions and programs.

Unfortunately, only 18% of givers donate on a monthly basis. This means there's a huge opportunity for churches to increase their donations by encouraging members to give regularly through recurring donations.

One way to do this is by promoting online giving options, which often have the option for recurring donations. By making it easy for members to set up automatic monthly donations, you can encourage a consistent flow of income for your church's mission and ministries.

6. Frequent Attenders Give More

It’s not surprising that individuals who regularly attend religious services contribute, on average, $1,737 more to their churches each year compared to those who attend less than once a month. In other words, there's a direct connection between how often a person attends a church and how much they give to that church.

The reality is that those who attend the church on a consistent basis are almost always more committed to the mission of the church. This, in turn, leads them to give generously to the church on a regular basis.

This should be a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage their members to attend consistently. Not primarily because they will give more, but because their faith will be strengthened and they'll be more integrated into the church family. 

7. December Is The Highest Giving Month

Between January and November, giving amounts are relatively stable in churches, with each month contributing around 7.5% to the total income for the year. But in December, giving almost doubles. That month typically accounts for almost 14.5% of all giving during the church calendar year.

There are probably several reasons for the spike in giving. December is often when people are feeling more generous, particularly because of the holiday season. It's also a time for reflection and gratitude which may prompt individuals to give extra to the church.

Additionally, with the end of the year approaching some individuals may want to give a final gift, both as a blessing to the church and a benefit to their taxes.

This trend shows that churches should always be prepared for an increase in giving during the holiday season. Whether it's through special fundraising campaigns or online donation options, churches can tap into this generosity boost and use it to fuel their mission and ministries.

8. More Than 60% of Giving Occurs Outside Of Sunday

Only 38.74% of all giving to churches takes place on Sundays. This means that surprisingly, more than 60% of all giving happens on Monday - Saturday.

This is a significant giving statistic for churches to take note of, as it highlights the importance of providing convenient giving options for members throughout the week.

With busy schedules and online giving becoming increasingly popular, it's essential for churches to offer multiple ways for individuals to give. This could include options such as recurring automatic donations, text-to-give services, or even kiosks at church events.

By expanding giving opportunities beyond just Sunday offerings, churches can increase overall giving and make it easier for their members to support the church financially.

9. In Person Attendees Give More Than Online Attendees

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of churches offering an online option has skyrocketed. You might think that online attendees give as much as in-person attendees, but you would be wrong.

Regular in-person attendees give an average $2,479 per year, while primarily online attendees only give an average of $1,053 per year.

This could be due to the lack of personal connection and engagement with the church community that online attendees experience. It highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and relationship-building among online members to encourage higher levels of giving.

It's also a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage people to attend in-person whenever possible. Virtual church can be wonderful for those who can't physically attend. But there simply is no replacing the power of attending church in-person.

So while providing online options for giving is important, it's also crucial to prioritize and encourage in-person attendance for stronger relationships and higher levels of giving.

10. Only 37.66% Of Church Attendees Engage In Recurring Giving

We touched on this before but it's worth highlighting again. In most churches, only a small percentage of the church gives on a recurring basis, whether that's weekly, monthly, etc.

This, in spite of the fact that recurring giving is ideal for churches. It allows them to financially plan more effectively and have a consistent stream of income throughout the year.

Making recurring giving an easy and accessible option for congregants is crucial. Utilizing online giving platforms or setting up automatic bank transfers are just some ways to make it easier for people to give regularly.

By promoting and prioritizing recurring giving, churches can experience greater financial stability and better meet their goals for ministry growth and impact.

Final Thoughts

Giving plays a crucial role in sustaining and growing ministry efforts. Without regular, consistent giving, churches simply can't survive, let alone thrive. It's essential for leaders to have a sense of giving trends, both within their local churches and across the board.

By understanding the current church giving statistics, leaders can make informed decisions to improve their strategies and approaches.

Ultimately, it's about creating opportunities for people to give joyfully and sacrificially as an act of worship towards God. Let's continue to emphasize the importance of giving in our churches, both through teaching and action. As we do so, we can see our ministries grow and impact more lives for Christ. 

VIDEO transcript

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Church giving is an essential source of funding for churches. It allows them to carry out their mission and serve their communities. It enables them to better serve the existing members of the churches. And it gives them the ability to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus.

In this article, we'll explore some key trends and church giving statistics. By understanding these figures, churches can better adapt to the needs of their congregations and continue to thrive.

How To Use These Church Giving Statistics

Before we look at specific church giving statistics, let's talk about how you might practically use these numbers in your church. After all, numbers in a vacuum don't mean much. These statistics should, at least in some ways, impact how you do ministry. They reflect how people think about tithing and what giving behaviors they engage in.

First, you can use these statistics to inform your yearly and monthly church budgeting. As you'll see, there are statistics about how much churchgoers are giving every year, as well as how often they give. These numbers can give you a general idea of the financial health of your church, and help you make decisions about how to allocate funds. 

Second, these stats can also provide insight into the attitudes and behaviors of your congregation. If you see that younger generations are giving less than older ones, it may prompt you to explore why and potentially adapt your approach to appeal to younger donors. Or if you notice a trend of increasing online donations, it may be worth investing in digital giving platforms for your church.

These statistics can also serve as a benchmark for comparison with other churches. You can use them to gauge how giving in your church compares to general giving trends across the board. If you notice any trends, good or bad, you can engage with your church appropriately.

For example, if you notice that a low percentage of your regular members tithe every month, you may want to encourage them in various ways to be generous.

Finally, church giving statistics can be a powerful tool for encouraging and educating your congregation. You may want to share some of these numbers with your church and then talk to them about the impact of their donations to the church. You can also use these stats as a reminder to your church that giving is essential for the life of the church.

10 Church Giving Statistics You Need To Know

Now let's look at some concrete numbers about church giving. These numbers should give you a sense of the giving landscape and how your church compares to others.

1. Only 5% of Churchgoers Tithe

Incredibly, only around 5% of all churchgoers regularly tithe to their local churches. Did you catch that? Only 5% of churchgoers give! That's an incredibly low number and represents an enormous opportunity for your church.

Even if 10% of your attendees (double the average) tithe regularly, 90% of your congregation is still not giving. 90% of your attendees are missing out on the blessing of giving to the church. As a church leader, you have the opportunity to encourage and exhort your members to give generously. Not only does this result in your members being blessed by God, it also helps your church financially.

So don't hesitate to ask your congregation to regularly give. There's a good chance that most of them are not. 

2. The Average Churchgoer Gives Less Than 3% of Their Income

Another incredible statistic is that the average church attendee gives less than 3% of their income to the church. That means if someone makes $50,000 a year, they are only giving around $1,500 to their church annually.

Again, this represents a large opportunity for churches. You can encourage your congregation to give generously, knowing that most attendees are giving a very small portion of their income. Even if people don't give 10% of their income, there still is a lot of room for increasing the amount they give.

3. The Average Gift Is $157

When a person does give to the church, the average donation is approximately $205 dollars. No this isn't a huge amount. But it is about right given the various incomes within the church body. Some will be able to give significantly more, while some will not be able to even give $205.

This church giving stat should remind us that it's better to give something rather than not give at all. We see this principle in scripture when Jesus commends the poor widow who gave only two small coins, saying she had given more than all those who had given out of their abundance.

So encourage your members to give whatever they can. God sees and honors their heart of generosity. Every gift, no matter how small, makes a difference in the kingdom of God.

4. Many Prefer Online Giving

Some quick stats about online giving to show you just how effective it can be.

  • 30% of churchgoers aged 35-54 would rather use a mobile giving app to give to their local church
  • Giving church members the option of online giving can increase donations by 32%.
  • 30% of churchgoers 45-54 years of age say they prefer making donations with their credit or debit cards
  • The average online donation volume is up 23% since 2019
  • 60% of churchgoers are willing to give digitally to their churches

The point of these stats is to highlight the growing trend of online giving within the church community.

An increasing number of people are embracing financial technology, including making donations to their local church. Providing multiple options for giving, such as online giving, can make it easier for members to give regularly and on a consistent basis.

5. Only 18% of Givers Donate Monthly

Recurring donations are a huge benefit to churches. They provide a steady stream of income that can help with budget planning and allow churches to better support their missions and programs.

Unfortunately, only 18% of givers donate on a monthly basis. This means there's a huge opportunity for churches to increase their donations by encouraging members to give regularly through recurring donations.

One way to do this is by promoting online giving options, which often have the option for recurring donations. By making it easy for members to set up automatic monthly donations, you can encourage a consistent flow of income for your church's mission and ministries.

6. Frequent Attenders Give More

It’s not surprising that individuals who regularly attend religious services contribute, on average, $1,737 more to their churches each year compared to those who attend less than once a month. In other words, there's a direct connection between how often a person attends a church and how much they give to that church.

The reality is that those who attend the church on a consistent basis are almost always more committed to the mission of the church. This, in turn, leads them to give generously to the church on a regular basis.

This should be a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage their members to attend consistently. Not primarily because they will give more, but because their faith will be strengthened and they'll be more integrated into the church family. 

7. December Is The Highest Giving Month

Between January and November, giving amounts are relatively stable in churches, with each month contributing around 7.5% to the total income for the year. But in December, giving almost doubles. That month typically accounts for almost 14.5% of all giving during the church calendar year.

There are probably several reasons for the spike in giving. December is often when people are feeling more generous, particularly because of the holiday season. It's also a time for reflection and gratitude which may prompt individuals to give extra to the church.

Additionally, with the end of the year approaching some individuals may want to give a final gift, both as a blessing to the church and a benefit to their taxes.

This trend shows that churches should always be prepared for an increase in giving during the holiday season. Whether it's through special fundraising campaigns or online donation options, churches can tap into this generosity boost and use it to fuel their mission and ministries.

8. More Than 60% of Giving Occurs Outside Of Sunday

Only 38.74% of all giving to churches takes place on Sundays. This means that surprisingly, more than 60% of all giving happens on Monday - Saturday.

This is a significant giving statistic for churches to take note of, as it highlights the importance of providing convenient giving options for members throughout the week.

With busy schedules and online giving becoming increasingly popular, it's essential for churches to offer multiple ways for individuals to give. This could include options such as recurring automatic donations, text-to-give services, or even kiosks at church events.

By expanding giving opportunities beyond just Sunday offerings, churches can increase overall giving and make it easier for their members to support the church financially.

9. In Person Attendees Give More Than Online Attendees

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of churches offering an online option has skyrocketed. You might think that online attendees give as much as in-person attendees, but you would be wrong.

Regular in-person attendees give an average $2,479 per year, while primarily online attendees only give an average of $1,053 per year.

This could be due to the lack of personal connection and engagement with the church community that online attendees experience. It highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and relationship-building among online members to encourage higher levels of giving.

It's also a reminder to pastors and leaders to encourage people to attend in-person whenever possible. Virtual church can be wonderful for those who can't physically attend. But there simply is no replacing the power of attending church in-person.

So while providing online options for giving is important, it's also crucial to prioritize and encourage in-person attendance for stronger relationships and higher levels of giving.

10. Only 37.66% Of Church Attendees Engage In Recurring Giving

We touched on this before but it's worth highlighting again. In most churches, only a small percentage of the church gives on a recurring basis, whether that's weekly, monthly, etc.

This, in spite of the fact that recurring giving is ideal for churches. It allows them to financially plan more effectively and have a consistent stream of income throughout the year.

Making recurring giving an easy and accessible option for congregants is crucial. Utilizing online giving platforms or setting up automatic bank transfers are just some ways to make it easier for people to give regularly.

By promoting and prioritizing recurring giving, churches can experience greater financial stability and better meet their goals for ministry growth and impact.

Final Thoughts

Giving plays a crucial role in sustaining and growing ministry efforts. Without regular, consistent giving, churches simply can't survive, let alone thrive. It's essential for leaders to have a sense of giving trends, both within their local churches and across the board.

By understanding the current church giving statistics, leaders can make informed decisions to improve their strategies and approaches.

Ultimately, it's about creating opportunities for people to give joyfully and sacrificially as an act of worship towards God. Let's continue to emphasize the importance of giving in our churches, both through teaching and action. As we do so, we can see our ministries grow and impact more lives for Christ. 


Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Publish date
October 12, 2024

10 Key Trends and Statistics for Church Donations

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