7 Ways for Churches to Reach Gen Z
Are you looking to inspire and connect with the next genertion of believers? Here are 7 ways for churches, pastors, and believers alike to reach Gen Z.

As someone who is part of Gen Z, when I look at my peers, I see a generation called to more. Gen Z was created to host the presence of God, to be radical followers of Jesus, to walk in submission to God, to walk in authority given by God, and to be world changers.
Those in previous generations (Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials) don’t typically look at Gen Z and think or see these things. They see a broken and lost generation lacking humility, self-control, and discipline. The implications of living below our purpose and calling have been markers of what defines my generation. But, it does not need to define our future. As a young adult, daughter, and believer speaking to the leaders and shepherds reading this blog, know that while my generation is not easy to reach, we are starving for truth, and we need your help.
Before I came to the Lord, I searched for happiness and healing wherever I could–nothing the world had to offer worked. I was depressed, suicidal, mentally unstable, and left with a disdain for life. I tried many types of therapy, went to rehab, self-medicated with drugs, and was left feeling hopeless. I thought I was a lost cause, like it was too late.
My experience is not unique among Gen Z. We desperately need the body of Christ to support us, but the church is often the last place most of us will look.
God’s Word and the Holy Spirit have been reaching every generation since Jesus physically left the earth (John 14:25-26). It’s our responsibility as believers to partner with God to reach the lost. Today, I offer you 7 ways for churches, pastors, and believers alike to reach Gen Z. I won’t pretend there is one template or an exact strategy to reach my generation. There are, however, unique reasons why Gen Z rejects the church that we can be mindful of.
7 Ways to Reach Gen Z
- Prayer and Fasting: We can do nothing without the Holy Spirit. We cannot save Gen Z, only Jesus can. Everything done in the Spirit has natural implications; therefore, we must partner with God's heart in the salvation of Gen Z by engaging in intercession. We must fight for each other in the Spirit. The more we know the love of the Father, the more we will be able to love like the Father. Invite Gen Z into the lifestyle of prayer and fasting. Teach us to believe and pray to God for the natural and the supernatural.
- Preach the Gospel: Gen Z is in desperate need of truth. We are starving for the real thing. The Gospel is offensive but doesn’t need to be watered down to bring people in. Gen Z is being discipled by the things of this world; we need the complete Gospel (with nothing held back) to reprogram our damaged worldview. We need to know that God is real and experience Him for ourselves.
- Be Real: We crave authenticity. Social media gives us a false view of people’s true identity and what life is really like. Hypocrisy is an easy way to push this generation away. So, be real with us. Don’t try to hide behind a facade of having it all together or making no mistakes. If you are trying to preach the Gospel to us, live the Gospel.
- Be Kind: First impressions are crucial. Many people are closed off to church because of one bad experience with one Christian. Gen Z is sensitive and fragile, especially those living in unbelief. They will remember their first impressions of Christianity, Christians, and the Church.
- Give us time: Jesus doesn’t ask us to leave sin and then come to Him. The power of healing and the restoration of lives is found in relationship with Jesus. Don’t focus on our sin right off the bat; if we don’t have a relationship with Jesus, we don’t have the power, strength, or grace to turn from sin. If we don’t believe in God, we don't care to listen to what He says. But Jesus will meet us where we are and do the work of refinement as we grow in relationship.
- Gen Z is extremely justice focused: I believe this is a gift God has given us; however, we can often channel it toward the wrong things. This gift can change the world when partnered with a renewed and sanctified mind. God gave us a heart for justice for a reason. Help us find ways to step into our God-given assignments.
- Offer Friendship: Most of the movements Gen Z is a part of come from a longing for belonging and community. Be intentional with building relationships and inviting us into a safe, Christ-centered community. Everyone wants to belong. Make the Church and Christianity a community we crave to be a part of.
I hope that some of these methods, partnered with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will help you to engage with my generation in a new and fresh way. Thank you for loving my generation enough to fight for and lead us well. We need it.
To learn more about Bryn, check out her book, Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power in the Midst of Tragedy, or tune in to The Father Pursuit, which she co-hosts with her father, Bryan Elliott.
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As someone who is part of Gen Z, when I look at my peers, I see a generation called to more. Gen Z was created to host the presence of God, to be radical followers of Jesus, to walk in submission to God, to walk in authority given by God, and to be world changers.
Those in previous generations (Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials) don’t typically look at Gen Z and think or see these things. They see a broken and lost generation lacking humility, self-control, and discipline. The implications of living below our purpose and calling have been markers of what defines my generation. But, it does not need to define our future. As a young adult, daughter, and believer speaking to the leaders and shepherds reading this blog, know that while my generation is not easy to reach, we are starving for truth, and we need your help.
Before I came to the Lord, I searched for happiness and healing wherever I could–nothing the world had to offer worked. I was depressed, suicidal, mentally unstable, and left with a disdain for life. I tried many types of therapy, went to rehab, self-medicated with drugs, and was left feeling hopeless. I thought I was a lost cause, like it was too late.
My experience is not unique among Gen Z. We desperately need the body of Christ to support us, but the church is often the last place most of us will look.
God’s Word and the Holy Spirit have been reaching every generation since Jesus physically left the earth (John 14:25-26). It’s our responsibility as believers to partner with God to reach the lost. Today, I offer you 7 ways for churches, pastors, and believers alike to reach Gen Z. I won’t pretend there is one template or an exact strategy to reach my generation. There are, however, unique reasons why Gen Z rejects the church that we can be mindful of.
7 Ways to Reach Gen Z
- Prayer and Fasting: We can do nothing without the Holy Spirit. We cannot save Gen Z, only Jesus can. Everything done in the Spirit has natural implications; therefore, we must partner with God's heart in the salvation of Gen Z by engaging in intercession. We must fight for each other in the Spirit. The more we know the love of the Father, the more we will be able to love like the Father. Invite Gen Z into the lifestyle of prayer and fasting. Teach us to believe and pray to God for the natural and the supernatural.
- Preach the Gospel: Gen Z is in desperate need of truth. We are starving for the real thing. The Gospel is offensive but doesn’t need to be watered down to bring people in. Gen Z is being discipled by the things of this world; we need the complete Gospel (with nothing held back) to reprogram our damaged worldview. We need to know that God is real and experience Him for ourselves.
- Be Real: We crave authenticity. Social media gives us a false view of people’s true identity and what life is really like. Hypocrisy is an easy way to push this generation away. So, be real with us. Don’t try to hide behind a facade of having it all together or making no mistakes. If you are trying to preach the Gospel to us, live the Gospel.
- Be Kind: First impressions are crucial. Many people are closed off to church because of one bad experience with one Christian. Gen Z is sensitive and fragile, especially those living in unbelief. They will remember their first impressions of Christianity, Christians, and the Church.
- Give us time: Jesus doesn’t ask us to leave sin and then come to Him. The power of healing and the restoration of lives is found in relationship with Jesus. Don’t focus on our sin right off the bat; if we don’t have a relationship with Jesus, we don’t have the power, strength, or grace to turn from sin. If we don’t believe in God, we don't care to listen to what He says. But Jesus will meet us where we are and do the work of refinement as we grow in relationship.
- Gen Z is extremely justice focused: I believe this is a gift God has given us; however, we can often channel it toward the wrong things. This gift can change the world when partnered with a renewed and sanctified mind. God gave us a heart for justice for a reason. Help us find ways to step into our God-given assignments.
- Offer Friendship: Most of the movements Gen Z is a part of come from a longing for belonging and community. Be intentional with building relationships and inviting us into a safe, Christ-centered community. Everyone wants to belong. Make the Church and Christianity a community we crave to be a part of.
I hope that some of these methods, partnered with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will help you to engage with my generation in a new and fresh way. Thank you for loving my generation enough to fight for and lead us well. We need it.
To learn more about Bryn, check out her book, Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power in the Midst of Tragedy, or tune in to The Father Pursuit, which she co-hosts with her father, Bryan Elliott.
podcast transcript
As someone who is part of Gen Z, when I look at my peers, I see a generation called to more. Gen Z was created to host the presence of God, to be radical followers of Jesus, to walk in submission to God, to walk in authority given by God, and to be world changers.
Those in previous generations (Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials) don’t typically look at Gen Z and think or see these things. They see a broken and lost generation lacking humility, self-control, and discipline. The implications of living below our purpose and calling have been markers of what defines my generation. But, it does not need to define our future. As a young adult, daughter, and believer speaking to the leaders and shepherds reading this blog, know that while my generation is not easy to reach, we are starving for truth, and we need your help.
Before I came to the Lord, I searched for happiness and healing wherever I could–nothing the world had to offer worked. I was depressed, suicidal, mentally unstable, and left with a disdain for life. I tried many types of therapy, went to rehab, self-medicated with drugs, and was left feeling hopeless. I thought I was a lost cause, like it was too late.
My experience is not unique among Gen Z. We desperately need the body of Christ to support us, but the church is often the last place most of us will look.
God’s Word and the Holy Spirit have been reaching every generation since Jesus physically left the earth (John 14:25-26). It’s our responsibility as believers to partner with God to reach the lost. Today, I offer you 7 ways for churches, pastors, and believers alike to reach Gen Z. I won’t pretend there is one template or an exact strategy to reach my generation. There are, however, unique reasons why Gen Z rejects the church that we can be mindful of.
7 Ways to Reach Gen Z
- Prayer and Fasting: We can do nothing without the Holy Spirit. We cannot save Gen Z, only Jesus can. Everything done in the Spirit has natural implications; therefore, we must partner with God's heart in the salvation of Gen Z by engaging in intercession. We must fight for each other in the Spirit. The more we know the love of the Father, the more we will be able to love like the Father. Invite Gen Z into the lifestyle of prayer and fasting. Teach us to believe and pray to God for the natural and the supernatural.
- Preach the Gospel: Gen Z is in desperate need of truth. We are starving for the real thing. The Gospel is offensive but doesn’t need to be watered down to bring people in. Gen Z is being discipled by the things of this world; we need the complete Gospel (with nothing held back) to reprogram our damaged worldview. We need to know that God is real and experience Him for ourselves.
- Be Real: We crave authenticity. Social media gives us a false view of people’s true identity and what life is really like. Hypocrisy is an easy way to push this generation away. So, be real with us. Don’t try to hide behind a facade of having it all together or making no mistakes. If you are trying to preach the Gospel to us, live the Gospel.
- Be Kind: First impressions are crucial. Many people are closed off to church because of one bad experience with one Christian. Gen Z is sensitive and fragile, especially those living in unbelief. They will remember their first impressions of Christianity, Christians, and the Church.
- Give us time: Jesus doesn’t ask us to leave sin and then come to Him. The power of healing and the restoration of lives is found in relationship with Jesus. Don’t focus on our sin right off the bat; if we don’t have a relationship with Jesus, we don’t have the power, strength, or grace to turn from sin. If we don’t believe in God, we don't care to listen to what He says. But Jesus will meet us where we are and do the work of refinement as we grow in relationship.
- Gen Z is extremely justice focused: I believe this is a gift God has given us; however, we can often channel it toward the wrong things. This gift can change the world when partnered with a renewed and sanctified mind. God gave us a heart for justice for a reason. Help us find ways to step into our God-given assignments.
- Offer Friendship: Most of the movements Gen Z is a part of come from a longing for belonging and community. Be intentional with building relationships and inviting us into a safe, Christ-centered community. Everyone wants to belong. Make the Church and Christianity a community we crave to be a part of.
I hope that some of these methods, partnered with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will help you to engage with my generation in a new and fresh way. Thank you for loving my generation enough to fight for and lead us well. We need it.
To learn more about Bryn, check out her book, Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power in the Midst of Tragedy, or tune in to The Father Pursuit, which she co-hosts with her father, Bryan Elliott.
VIDEO transcript
As someone who is part of Gen Z, when I look at my peers, I see a generation called to more. Gen Z was created to host the presence of God, to be radical followers of Jesus, to walk in submission to God, to walk in authority given by God, and to be world changers.
Those in previous generations (Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials) don’t typically look at Gen Z and think or see these things. They see a broken and lost generation lacking humility, self-control, and discipline. The implications of living below our purpose and calling have been markers of what defines my generation. But, it does not need to define our future. As a young adult, daughter, and believer speaking to the leaders and shepherds reading this blog, know that while my generation is not easy to reach, we are starving for truth, and we need your help.
Before I came to the Lord, I searched for happiness and healing wherever I could–nothing the world had to offer worked. I was depressed, suicidal, mentally unstable, and left with a disdain for life. I tried many types of therapy, went to rehab, self-medicated with drugs, and was left feeling hopeless. I thought I was a lost cause, like it was too late.
My experience is not unique among Gen Z. We desperately need the body of Christ to support us, but the church is often the last place most of us will look.
God’s Word and the Holy Spirit have been reaching every generation since Jesus physically left the earth (John 14:25-26). It’s our responsibility as believers to partner with God to reach the lost. Today, I offer you 7 ways for churches, pastors, and believers alike to reach Gen Z. I won’t pretend there is one template or an exact strategy to reach my generation. There are, however, unique reasons why Gen Z rejects the church that we can be mindful of.
7 Ways to Reach Gen Z
- Prayer and Fasting: We can do nothing without the Holy Spirit. We cannot save Gen Z, only Jesus can. Everything done in the Spirit has natural implications; therefore, we must partner with God's heart in the salvation of Gen Z by engaging in intercession. We must fight for each other in the Spirit. The more we know the love of the Father, the more we will be able to love like the Father. Invite Gen Z into the lifestyle of prayer and fasting. Teach us to believe and pray to God for the natural and the supernatural.
- Preach the Gospel: Gen Z is in desperate need of truth. We are starving for the real thing. The Gospel is offensive but doesn’t need to be watered down to bring people in. Gen Z is being discipled by the things of this world; we need the complete Gospel (with nothing held back) to reprogram our damaged worldview. We need to know that God is real and experience Him for ourselves.
- Be Real: We crave authenticity. Social media gives us a false view of people’s true identity and what life is really like. Hypocrisy is an easy way to push this generation away. So, be real with us. Don’t try to hide behind a facade of having it all together or making no mistakes. If you are trying to preach the Gospel to us, live the Gospel.
- Be Kind: First impressions are crucial. Many people are closed off to church because of one bad experience with one Christian. Gen Z is sensitive and fragile, especially those living in unbelief. They will remember their first impressions of Christianity, Christians, and the Church.
- Give us time: Jesus doesn’t ask us to leave sin and then come to Him. The power of healing and the restoration of lives is found in relationship with Jesus. Don’t focus on our sin right off the bat; if we don’t have a relationship with Jesus, we don’t have the power, strength, or grace to turn from sin. If we don’t believe in God, we don't care to listen to what He says. But Jesus will meet us where we are and do the work of refinement as we grow in relationship.
- Gen Z is extremely justice focused: I believe this is a gift God has given us; however, we can often channel it toward the wrong things. This gift can change the world when partnered with a renewed and sanctified mind. God gave us a heart for justice for a reason. Help us find ways to step into our God-given assignments.
- Offer Friendship: Most of the movements Gen Z is a part of come from a longing for belonging and community. Be intentional with building relationships and inviting us into a safe, Christ-centered community. Everyone wants to belong. Make the Church and Christianity a community we crave to be a part of.
I hope that some of these methods, partnered with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will help you to engage with my generation in a new and fresh way. Thank you for loving my generation enough to fight for and lead us well. We need it.
To learn more about Bryn, check out her book, Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power in the Midst of Tragedy, or tune in to The Father Pursuit, which she co-hosts with her father, Bryan Elliott.